Submission deadline: June 30, 2023




To submit an abstract or poster, you must create an account on the coregonid symposium website.

Abstract for oral or poster contribution must be written in English and should include:

- Your preference (oral or poster)

- Title

- List of the co-authors and their affiliation

- Email of the corresponding author

- Abstract (up to 200 words and not exceed 250 words)

The body of the text consists of a single paragraph and contains no figures, photos or tables.

- 5 Keywords


During submission, authors must select a session themes in the proposed themes list. Do not forget to press on the two button "publish" and "submit" after completing the abstract submission form.

After submission, all the abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. Based on the reviews, the Committee may suggest changes from oral to poster presentations. Decisions will be based on scientific strength, fit to the session theme, novelty, clarity of the abstract, and contribution to diversity of the overall program. Abstracts that are incomplete, far off-topic, or poorly presented may be rejected.


If you encounter any problems during the submission process, please contact