All useful information about the travel by road, by train, by plane, by boat is on the Evian tourism website.

Option 1 : You travel by train (the most eco-frendly for Europeans)

transport map around Lake Geneva
Transport map around Lake Geneva. Copyright: Leman sans frontière © Leman sans frontière

You can use the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB CFF FFS), which is the national railway company of Switzerland. 

Use the webstite or the smartphone app to book your trip to Lausanne or Geneva

Euronight trains are availaible and, in collaboration with ÖBB, their Nightjets can take you to other destinations such as Amsterdam, Berlin, Hamburg, Vienna or Graz.

or The Société nationale des chemins de fer français (SNCF) if you arrive from France

Option 2 : You travel by bus

Flixbus or other bus companies serve Lausanne or Geneva

Option 3 : You travel by plane (Geneva airport)

At the airport: Go through the Swiss custom

Once you get your bag and leave security at Geneva airport, head to the trains. Take any train because they all go to Geneva Cornavin. So just get on the next one available (you can look at the departure board and see what line to go to).

Or there are frequent and direct trains from Geneva airport to Lausanne (with a stop in Geneva Cornavin) then you can take the boat from Lausanne to Evian (see below).

You can check on the following website:

or use the SBB / CFF app on your phone


Geneva Cornavin train station > Evian train station

Once you get off at Geneva center (Gare Cornavin), take a train to Evian-les-Bains.

There is a direct train to Evian (fastest) or you can take a train that changes in Annemasse.

You can check timetable and ticket on the following website : or use the SBB / CFF app on your phone

You can also buy train ticket at the train station

Lausanne train station > Evian

You can take the boat via Lausanne-Ouchy

Once you get off at Lausanne main train station, walk down to the lake (20mn) or take the metro M2 direction Ouchy-Olympique.

You will take the boat at Ouchy.

You can find boat timetable here:

Tickets 1-way is 18 CHF (about 18 €), you can use Euro and buy your ticket in the boat.

Boat ride is about 35 minutes.

CGN boat
Boat cruises Lake Geneva - copyright: CGN © CGN

Taxi is also a solution (about 100€ from Geneva or Lausanne)

You can book your taxi at: